Houses on the Moon Podcast
Houses on the Moon Podcast is an original storytelling series dedicated to amplifying the unheard voice. Each episode features a remarkable true story (or two) curated from over twenty years of Houses on the Moon Theater Company’s unique development process of storytelling workshops and interviews with real people. The first season spotlights tales from individuals whose lives have been touched by guns; parents of gender-expansive children; families with incarcerated loved ones; a global conversation between LGBTQ+ storytellers in the U.S. and India; and undocumented youth. These stories, adapted for audio, are followed by in-depth conversations with host Jeffrey Solomon, the storytellers, and featured community partners. The podcast also features original music by multi-instrumentalist, composer, arranger, producer, and educator Raliegh Neal II.
Latest Episodes
De Novo: Part 3 of 3
On the streets of Guatemala City, gang members became Edgar’s family. But he dreamed of a different future. To leave the gang was a death sentence. Coming to the USA was his last hope. De Novo is a limited series adapted from Houses on the Moon Theater Company’s acclaimed documentary play of the same name, telling the true…
De Novo: Part 2 of 3
On the streets of Guatemala City, gang members became Edgar’s family. But he dreamed of a different future. To leave the gang was a death sentence. Coming to the USA was his last hope. De Novo is a limited series adapted from Houses on the Moon Theater Company’s acclaimed documentary play of the same name, telling the true…
De Novo: Part 1 of 3
On the streets of Guatemala City, gang members became Edgar’s family. But he dreamed of a different future. To leave the gang was a death sentence. Coming to the USA was his last hope. De Novo is a limited series adapted from Houses on the Moon Theater Company’s acclaimed documentary play of the same name, telling the true…
Podcast Episode #8: Luck of the Draw
Episode 8 of the Houses on the Moon Podcast spotlights another true tale from gUN COUNTRY, our storytelling workshops with people whose lives have been touched by guns. In “Luck of the Draw” Antonius Wiriadjaja recounts how art and storytelling helped him survive a shooting and how he was forever changed by the love and…
Podcast Episode #7: Por Vs Para; Missives From the Wormhole
On this episode, we share true tales from Houses on the Moon’s international LGBTQ+ story-sharing project The “Q Story Stream.” We have 2 stories about teachers learning very different lessons: When our own Jeffrey Solomon tries to help a bullied student in the drama class he teaches on Staten Island, the adult discovers you never…
Podcast Episode #6: Zudaydah with a Backwards Z
On Episode 6 of the Houses on the Moon Podcast, we share Zudaydah Rivera’s true tale from Houses on the Moon’s SHARED SENTENCES, a storytelling project with people who have incarcerated loved ones. Zudaydah was just 4 years old when she first visited her father in a maximum security prison. In her story, “Zudaydah with…
Podcast Episode #5: Certificate of Fluency
On this episode of the Houses on the Moon Podcast, we spotlight another true tale from our cross-cultural LGBTQ story-sharing project, “Q Story Stream.” In “Certificate of Fluency,” Cori Bratby-Rudd describes the realization of her lifelong dream to study in a foreign exchange program, and the fear of judgement from her host family over her…
Podcast Episode #4: Telenovela
In Episode 4 of the Houses on the Moon Podcast, we share a true tale from our cross-cultural LGBTQ+ story-sharing project “Q Story Stream:” Jesús Daniel Cruz discovers first love in a country where he is doubly closeted, as a young gay man to his immigrant Mexican family, and as an undocumented young person in…
Podcast Episode #3: I Did Not Kill Brian; The Hollow
Highlighting America’s fraught relationship with guns, this episode features true stories from Houses on the Moon’s gUN COUNTRY, based on the accounts of those whose lives have been impacted by guns. In “I Did Not Kill Brian,” Brenda Currin shares how a late night home intrusion and her decision whether or not to pick up…