Skin To Skin

Premiering 2026

Inspired by the true stories of Black mothers and midwives, and the impact of systemic racism in the labor and delivery rooms, SKIN TO SKIN is a new theatrical project led by playwright Jeremy J. Kamps and Trixie Ndanu Kioko, a midwife and birthing justice advocate.

In 2023, Kamps and Kioko facilitated a series of creative storytelling and investigative workshops with Black mothers.
The workshops fostered connection and community through group discussion, reflective exercises, creative
improvisation, and dramatization of real-life events.

Inspired by the workshops, and with Kioko’s consultancy, Kamps developed the play’s script, which follows three
women’s journeys through pregnancy, labor, and delivery. These tales explore how differing social identifiers, life
experiences, abilities, biases, and systemic prejudices impact individuals’ birthing experiences. The play seeks to
uplift these stories, illuminate the inequities of US medical systems, and celebrate the incredible birthing process as
well as Black women’s joys, wisdom, and shared humanity.

SKIN TO SKIN had its first table read in December 2024, and Houses on the Moon will continue development throughout 2025 in advance of the play’s 2026 premiere.